Nowe wybory wakacyjne przyspieszają ożywienie chińskiego przemysłu turystycznego

Według Chińska Akademia Turystyki, 91.4 percent of all tourists experienced cultural tourism during the holiday, and 81.8 percent took part in more than two cultural activities. Most tourists chose to visit museums and art galleries.

Many cities across Chiny held cultural activities to attract tourists, and the integration of culture and tourism was well received.

Shanghai received nearly 11 million visitors and raked in over 17.7 billion yuan during this year’s Spring Festival holiday, with approximately 500 cultural and tourism activities themed around intangible cultural heritage.


O autorze

Harry'ego Johnsona

Harry Johnson był redaktorem przydziału dla eTurboNews od ponad 20 lat. Mieszka w Honolulu na Hawajach i pochodzi z Europy. Lubi pisać i relacjonować wiadomości.

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